You are inquisitive and open-minded. You embrace life and understand that it’s precious, each and every day.

Here are a few types of client we work best with, though the list is by no means exhaustive.

You’re a small to medium business owner/Family business owner

You require assistance with your personal assets and the assets that cross over with your business, pensions, and so on. You may be looking to plan the exit or handover phase for your business, and need an understanding of how much money you need, and how much the company and your share of it is worth.

You’re a senior manager, partner or executive

You take your financial future seriously and want a clear path to a pre-planned and determined end. You will be in the accumulation side of your life. You want to know that you will be all right in retirement.  By the same token, you live life for today.

You’re retired

You may have got this far without any assistance from a financial advisor. But now you find yourself with a large sum of money from selling your home, or perhaps a pension that you want to make the best out of. So you’ve realised that you need help to understand and manage your situation. For example, you may have more money than you need and want to start a gifting programme. But you also need the security of knowing that you’ll never run short, no matter what happens.

You’ve recently been widowed

This is a very tough time, and you don’t have anyone to help with the finances.

We’re here to help. We will prepare you a financial plan that is fit for purpose and communicate in a clear manner to provide you with the security and confidence that your financial affairs are in the best possible shape.

You’re planning for education fees

You want to give you children the best possible start in life, but school fees are a worry. After all, they increase every year, and the liability lasts well into the future – especially if you have more than one child.

We can support you through this period by providing a forecast of your financial future that builds in the fees as they occur. This will reassure you or perhaps demonstrate where there are likely to be pinch points. We strongly recommend having your liability mapped out for you before you start. That way, you can be assured that you’ll never have to interrupt or stop your child’s education. After all, they’ll only get one shot at being young.

The suddenly wealthy

Anyone who’s recently come into a large sum of money should definitely get in touch. We can help you make the most of your windfall.


You’ve possibly bought financial products and investments in the past. But maybe you still have a nagging concern that what you’ve done so far goes far enough, or is even the right thing.

You’re seeking peace of mind, therefore, and crave confidence, clarity and control over your financial life.

Without proper financial planning with you and your life at its centre, there is a danger that you can have all the savings, pensions, income and assets going, but might not get the lifestyle you deserve.

You could end up working for longer, when you should be enjoying life, and doing the things you love to do.

You now require a real financial planner you can speak to on your own level, one who will help you answer the big questions and then pull it all together in an easily understood and dynamic model.

That’s what Bright Financial Planning provides – so get in touch if you think we can help. We’d be delighted to talk further, and an initial consultation is completely free of charge.